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Low Cost Pet Spay/Neuter Options in North Carolina


Our goal is to make it easy to find an option to get your pets spayed/neutered sooner as opposed to later.


Use the search option at the top of the page to search for your county. Or scroll down and click on your NC county to find some spay/neuter options.. or click on PROGRAMS BY COUNTY at the top of the page to go to that section to scroll through counties. 


Did you know that one unspayed female dog having 2 liters a year of puppies not fixed will create 67,000 dogs in 6 years?  Do you know 67,000 people looking for a new dog? Likewise, an unspayed cat and her offspring can create over 20,000 cats in just 4 years! Do you know 20,000 people looking for a new cat?

Let's work together to address pet overpopulation which results in millions of euthanized animals every year in the US!

How to use this website?

Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your  county or to search by clinic name.


Like and Follow our facebook page to get update on spay/neuter dates and information posted 

If you do not see your county or need to see if there are other options: 

Note: This listing will be updated and links added as time permits. If you know of other programs available.. please comment under the related county listings on this website or on our facebook page if you know of other programs available. 

NC County Map

We are working on NC Spay/Neuter Option Google Map. Still in progress:

HINT:  Sometimes the closest option is actually in a surrounding county. Its good to check surrounding counties on this listing if you do not find an option in your county listing that works. But be sure to ask the clinic if you need to be a resident of their county.

NOTE- May 2024-
We are in the process of updating and adding county information. An Asterik (*) indicates that program information has been updated  in 2024.
Please check back often. 


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do you know 67000 who want a new dog.jpg
save 1000 dogs by neutering one.jpg
do you know 20000 people who want a new
no harm to animals.jpg
dogs fill with love.jpg
one cat family tree.jpg
what you do is better than nothing at al
11 million cata in 9 years.jpg
euth by breed 2017.jpg
end the cycle of cat euth in
not again preg test.. spay.jpg
SpayNeuterAdopt-be the solution.png
spay-neuter to stop euthanized shelter p
Spay-Neuter not enought homes.jpg
Spay 67000 pups gr.jpg
spay-and-neuter ave a life.jpg
nc co map with county seat shown and fra
spay neuter overpop is killing us.png
shelter rescue adopt every size and shap
spay-and-neuter-your-pets-- dont litter.
help up stop littering.jpg
family of 4 would have 28 pets to get th
to spay or not to spay....jpg
spay and neuter-pets not disposable.jpg
not just rabbits who multiply.jpg
overpopulation is killing us-sn.jpg
dont litter sn wide banner.jpg
spayneuter fix the math.png
batman doesnt want another puppy.jpg
pit bull s n saves lives.JPG
new years resolution sn.jpg
stop the math maddness  sn.jpg
feb sn month pup and kitten.jpg
how can one person save 100 cats.. spay
every 11 seconds pet euthanized .. s n.j
most animals dont step out of shelter- s
cuter because I ahve been neutered.jpg
sn myths.jpg
i am neutered no homeless grandchildren.
meow he said.jpg
jelly bean count sn.jpg
sn dumping preg dog in shelter is irresp
tired of being a mom want to be a baby..
not just one litter.. sn.jpg
puppies in shelters when no sn.jpg
please sn me .. pit.jpg
28 pets for every family - cat- sn.jpg
why sn.jpg
spay-and-neuter every 13 sec euth.jpg
feb sn month.png
return to shelter keep having babies.jpg
prevent a litter fix your critter.jpg
no home for them sn.jpg
be a voice not an echo.jpg
litter but not trash kittens sn.jpg
crying sn.jpg
intact today is unwanted litter tomr sn.
save life deflate balls sn.jpg
peace love adopt a dog.jpg
why fix you cat sn.jpg
feb sn happier cat.jpg
no cat problem a people problem sn.jpg
raining cat dogs sn.jpg
crying sn.jpg
keep pets off streets sn.jpg
love is an action sn.jpg
save life deflate balls sn.jpg
pls sn cat dog pic.jpg
kitten season is here sn.jpg
why neuter.jpg
sn stops killing.jpg
peace love adopt a dog.jpg
feb sn happier cat.jpg
just do it sn.jpg
cats dont add they multiply sn.jpg
why fix you cat sn.jpg
sn math.JPG
no free pets.jpg
spay neuter adopt love.jpg
banner-spayneuter2 cats.jpg
Pleasedont litter cat dog.png
just one litter.jpg
fixed cat is a happy cat.jpg
quick list of why to sn.jpg
love yout pet sn.jpg

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