2492 US Highway 19E, Spruce Pine, NC 28777
Phone: 828-765-6952
Call, email or stop by the shelter during business hours to make arrangements.
Website S/N Page:
* Ask about low cost spay/neuter for free roaming or trap/neuter/release cats.
* Ask about the Community Care Spay/Neuter Fund: We may have special assistance available for low-income families through this fund.
If you have proof of vaccinations for your pet please bring them for us to copy. There will be a $10 charge for rabies vaccination if needed. Distemper booster shots are available for $10. Pets must travel in a hard shell plastic carrier. If you need to rent one from us the cost is $5. All arrangements and payment must be made in advance. Your pet's appointment will be another date. Our veterinarian can spay or neuter puppies and kittens at age 12 weeks and 2.5 lbs.